Your support counts!

For dignity and justice
for migrant workers
and their families...

Migrants rights are human rights!

 BMDC on Facebook

Get Facebook updates on what the Boston May Day Coalition is doing. Go ahead like us!

 Join us for the 16th annual Anti-Imperialist Picnic!

Are you looking for something different on July 4th? Tired of the red, white, and blues year after year? Do you wish to declare Independence from corporate greed, and imperial plunder? Consider gathering for the annual Anti-Imperialist Picnic. Instead of celebrating the founding fathers’ slave republic, the military, and colonial conquest, let’s celebrate the resistance to imperialism, colonialism, apartheid, and the resilience of working people worldwide. Free Palestine! 

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Join us for May Day 2024! International Workers' Day

Gathering May 1, 2024, at 5pm on Liberty Mall, Boston Common on the steps at Beacon and Park Streets, across the street from the State House.
Current sponsors: Boston Labor Solidarity Committee, Encuentro 5, Boston Area Assange Defense, Socialist Alternative, Battle First Aid Responder Services, Workers Strike Back, Boston May Day Coalition, Community Church of Boston, Natick Black Lives Matter, Green Rainbow Party, Activate Media, MA Poor Peoples Campaign, Rhode Island Black Lives Matter, Community Advocates for Justice and Equality, Cosecha, Mass Peace Action, Veterans for Peace- Boston, Smedley D Butler Brigade

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Let Gaza Live!

Just as many folks who value human rights have condemned the killing of civilians by Hamas, millions here in the US are condemning the killing of Palestinian and Israeli civilians, along with hostages, carried out by the Israeli regime. The bombardment of Palestinians is in no way proportionate as a retaliatory measure but is being carried out as an ethnic cleansing measure against Palestinians in general. Unimaginable horror has been inflicted with bombs raining down on Gaza killing scores of innocent civilians, and at times hundreds, daily. The Palestinian death toll is now over 34,000 total and counting. 85% of Gaza residents have now been displaced! For years, the leadership in Israel was content with Hamas rule in Gaza as a counterweight to the Palestinian Authority, and as a means of preventing any possibility for the formation of an independent Palestinian state, all while conducting raids and destroying Palestinian homes in the West Bank.

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Chile: Report from the Base

Please welcome Sergio Reyes who will be reporting from Chile on developments there. From the revolt in 2019 to the new regime, changes have taken place, but what has been accomplished? Sergio was an organizer and activist in Boston for over 30 years. He is now living in Chile. He will present his impressions of the process developing in Chile over the past few years and discuss the prospects for advances and struggle in the future.
Please join the Zoom discussion:

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BMDC Public Statement Against Cancel Culture

9/17/2023.- The Boston May Day Coalition (BMDC) was founded 17 years ago during the rising movement and huge mobilizations defending migrants and demanding legal permanent residence for all undocumented immigrants. BMDC is currently the target of a boycott campaign based on false narratives with the intention of destroying the organization. Seven longtime activists who disagree with these attacks, both members and nonmembers, are being targeted, slandered, labeled “transphobes”, and subjected to online doxing of their full names and personal information.

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May Day 2023 - Boston Common

<p>Let’s join together in celebrating May Day 2023, International Workers Day, a worldwide holiday. On May Day we have an opportunity to celebrate many examples of resistance to the employers offensive and government attacks on our rights and interests. Parkman Bandstand

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Report from Peru - Sharpening Class Conflict and Protests
Tuesday January 31, 7 p.m.
The Boston May Day Coalition invites César Zelada, member of the Agrupación Vilcapaza, to report directly from Peru. Zelada is involved in the unfolding protests in that country because he has been a labor activist, housing organizer, and student leader.

Leftist strike leader and former schoolteacher Pedro Castillo was elected president of Peru in July 2021.
The country was reeling from the highest COVID-19 death rate in the world! For every 150 residents, one has died of COVID. Many held the previous reactionary president responsible and voted him out.

From the time Castillo took office, the right-wing Congress had tried to fraudulently disrupt his presidency through multiple attempts at impeachment -- each and every one failed.

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The War Economy is a War Against Us! All U.S. Nukes and Troops Out of Europe Now!

Saturday, January 14, 2023, at 1:00 PM
Park Street T Station, Boston

FaceBook page

Boston May Day Coalition
The Committee for Peace and Human Rights
Massachusetts Peace Action
International Action Center
United Against War and Militarism
Assange Defense Boston
Workers World Party - Boston
Red Flag Boston
Pride at Work - Boston

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Converging Crises & Collaborations to Fix Them
Tired of dehumanizing jobs, climate collapse, and endless war?
Saturday, December 10th, 3:00–5:30 PM

Are you tired of dehumanizing jobs, soaring costs of living and a dire climate future -- while our tax dollars are squandered on militarism and endless war that impoverishes us at home and endangers us abroad?

Participate in an afternoon of power-building, analysis and solidarity. It will include breakout groups to discuss the crises we face and collaboration to overcome them, as well as a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation by Jill Stein.

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Saturday, December 10 at 1:00 PM
Park Street T Station, Boston MA

Cosponsors as of Dec. 6:

  • United Against War and Militarism
  • Boston May Day Coalition
  • Committee for Peace and Human Rights
  • Encuentro 5
  • International Action Center
  • Chelsea Uniting Against the War
  • Extinction Rebellion Solidarity
  • Assange Defense Boston
  • Revolutionary Marxist Student Group
  • International Marxist Tendency
  • Workers World Party - Boston

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Brazilian Elections, Lula's Victory, and Bolsonarism
Reporting from São Paulo, Brazil
Fabio Bosco, Member of the São Paulo transportation trade union (Sindicato dos Metroviarios)
Sunday Nov. 6th
6:30 P.M.

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15 Extinction Rebellion activists arrested for protesting Massachuetts inaction on climate crisis

On September 21st, 2022, 15 individuals from Extinction Rebellion were arrested for protesting against Massachuetts State government inaction on the climate crisis and against the continuous construction of new fossil fuel infrastructure.

BMDC voted to make a $50 contribution and urges our members and supporters to also contribute via XR's GoFundMe account.

XR's GoFundMe account

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BMDC in international panel on Ukraine war Ukraine, The Working Class, Russia, China, & U.S. Imperialism

This is an audio & video link to the international discussion on the Ukraine war entitled Ukraine, The Working Class, Russia, China, & U.S. Imperialism which took place September 18th, 2022.

Panelists from South Africa, Europe, and the U.S. participated, including from the BMDC.

Pressure is building up against this war, and on December 2 workers in Italy will be striking against that country's participation in the war.

Please check out the audio/video link below:

Stream 9/18/22 Ukraine, The Working Class, Russia, China & U.S. Imperialism by WorkWeek Radio
Listen online for free on SoundCloud

Ukraine, The Working Class, Russia, China, & U.S. Imperialism

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Back to the Streets! Say NO to U.S. Wars! Week of Action Oct. 15-22

Stop Washington's War Moves toward Russia & China
Stop Endless Wars: Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Palestine, Everywhere
Money for Housing, Healthcare & Climate

United National AntiWar Coalition

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Ricardo Flores Magón: Life and Death of a Mexican Revolutionary 100th year with Sacco and Vanzetti Society

Sunday, November 20th, 2-4pm

A political and cultural event to mark the 100th year anniversary of the murder of Ricardo Flores Magón the Leavenworth federal prison.

Join us for music, speakers, videos, food, and socializing. All ages are welcome. Art supplies will be available for children.

In Spanish and English, with interpretation.

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
28 Paris Street, East Boston, MA
This venue is not wheelchair accessible.

Sponsored by
Sacco and Vanzetti Commemoration Society
Black Rose Anarchist Federation
Boston May Day Committee
Food not Bombs
and more TBA

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Unity in Diversity: How to Organize a United Front

The Coalition sponsored a free-wheeling discussion on building united fronts to unite the struggles for justice and the rights of working people, the oppressed, and youth.

Recorded July 21, 2022

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Prosecute Trump for attempt to overthrow government!

The Boston May Day Coalition calls on attorney general Merrick Garland to prosecute president Donald Trump for attempting to overthrow the government

Click on + to read full statement

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Boston Abortion Rights Rally

Please join with the Boston May Day Coalition in supporting and attending the Boston Abortion Rights Rally
Sunday, July 17, 2-4 p.m.


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BMDC Denounces Attack against RU4AR

The BMDC rejects the divisive attacks on unity which are aimed at Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights

Click on + to read full statement

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14th Annual Anti-Imperialist Picnic

July 4th, noon to 6 p.m.
Click on + below flag for more info.

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BMDC Denounces Attack on The Mapping Project

Click on + below to read full statement.

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Covid-19 Crisis: May Day Coalition Statement

Agreed to May 22, 2022

For over two and half years, the Covid-19 pandemic has brought the world illness, suffering and death. The impact has been aggravated by capitalism, racism, poverty and imperialism.

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War in Ukraine: May Day Coalition Theses

Agreed to March 27, 2022

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May Day 2022 on Boston Common

Join us for May Day on Boston Common celebrating a day of solidarity across struggles. The action will be at Liberty Mall across the street from the MA Statehouse on Sunday, May 1st at 1 p.m.

Let’s unite together on May Day, International Workers Day, to celebrate the traditions of struggle by working people and the oppressed worldwide. Let’s celebrate the strikes of millions of farmers and workers of India. Let’s celebrate the victory of striking MNA nurses in Worcester, MA and the union organizing victory of warehouse workers at Amazon in Staten Island, NY. Workers at Starbucks in Boston are Unionizing! May Day is our day to address the climate and ecological emergency and to demand economic security and justice. Let’s stand together to resist the war machine, fight racism, and defend migrants’ rights. For climate justice, housing, healthcare, childcare, education, LGBT and women’s rights. Let’s usher in the spring with fresh energy, mobilizations, and direct action to spread the resistance and fight for a better world. For more info:

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International Workers Day Boston 2021

Saturday, May 1, 2021, 1PM. at the Parkman Bandstand on the Boston Common.

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Inaugurating an Agenda for Working People — Defending ourselves against right wing attacks.

Wednesday, January 20, on the Boston Common, Parkman Bandstand. 4:00 PM Rally, 5:30 March

Participants are asked to wear a face covering and stay 6 feet apart.

Current cosponsors:

Boston May Day Coalition
Green-Rainbow Party of Massachusetts
Refuse Fascism
Boston Independent Socialist Group
Mass Peace Action
Extinction Rebellion Boston
Boston Socialist Alternative
United American Indians of New England (UAINE)
North American Indian Center of Boston (NAICOB )
New Democracy Coalition

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Demanding justice and protesting safely

On Sunday, May3, 2020, members of the Boston May Day Coalition staged a demonstration in front of the Suffolk County Jail, demanding justice and rights for prisoners, immigrants and the poor in the United States. To read the statement presented at the demonstration click below.

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Defending our communities in the era of the Trump Epidemic: Our demands

The first case of COVID-19 in the United States was confirmed on January 21st in Washington state. There is no good reason why the US became the epicenter of the world coronavirus pandemic. The colossal spread of the epidemic in the US is directly the result of policies of the Trump Administration. In May of 2018, Trump closed the White House pandemic office (National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense). On January 3, the director of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), Robert Redfield, received a call from a counterpart in China describing a lethal respiratory illness that was sweeping Wuhan. The Trump administration was immediately notified.

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After May Day --- What comes next?

Sunday, May 26, 2019 3–6 PM
Encuentro 5
9A Hamilton Place
Boston, MA 02108
(Park Street T)

Join in the resistance! On May Day folks had the opportunity to celebrate the worldwide resistance of working people and youth. Folks from different countries and backgrounds participated in the rally and march through downtown Boston. The employers and their government are conducting a generalized assault on our lives, rights, and living conditions. The leading edge of this assault today is the stepped up attacks against migrants. There has been an escalation of racist and xenophobic state repression coming from the centers of power in Washington. In addition, thousands of Massachusetts residents are prevented from having access to driver’s licenses. The 1% and their government seek to maintain a source of cheap labor and use migrant labor to keep down the wages of all of us. They want to divide us and undermine our ability to organize. We must act now and build a fighting movement capable of defending ourselves as working people and youth against the generalized assault. That fight starts by uniting in solidarity with our migrant sisters and brothers. Join us in discussing and developing future plans for engaging in the battles that lie ahead. An injury to one is an injury to all. Pot luck refreshments.

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May Day 2019 - International Workers' Day

Rally 2:30 PM - Boston Common, Parkman Bandstand
Followed by a Puppet Parade to the Government Center T stop where we will depart for the Rally in East Boston scheduled for 5:30.

Next Organizing Meeting:
Sunday, April 28 @ 4:00 PM
Encuentro 5
9A Hamilton Place, Boston 02128

Join in the resistance! Are you fed up and think it is time to end the empire? Join us then on May Day where folks will gather to oppose the wars, the blockade of Venezuela, the border wall, deportations, and racism. Let’s come together to support driver's licenses for all, free healthcare, education, and childcare, affordable housing, and rights for working people including abolishing the wage system. Instead of declaring a national emergency to build a wall, let’s declare a national emergency to combat climate change, rebuild the crumbling infrastructure, and end police brutality. Join us in demanding immediate legal permanent residence for all undocumented migrants.

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Join in the Resistance – Organizing in 2019

Sunday, January 27, 3:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Encuentro 5
9A Hamilton Place
Boston, MA
(Part Street T)

The billionaire class and their government are leading a generalized assault on our lives, rights, and living conditions. The wealth gap continues to grow. 140 million people are living either in poverty or in low income households. The polarization is deepening. Attacks have been launched against Muslims, migrants, women, healthcare, education, affordable housing, our environment, oppressed nationalities, LGBT folks, students, and more.

The recent tax cuts for the rich will be at the expense of our living standards. They will be going after Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and more. Millions of youth and working class people are under attack! The leading edge of this assault today is the stepped up attacks against migrants. Deportations are increasing. 2019 brings increased polarization and challenges which pose opportunities to build a mass fight back movement.

Join with the Boston May Day Coalition as we gather together to look back and evaluate our work in 2018 and discuss our vision for resisting deportations and defending the rights of working people and youth. We will be discussing our short and long term goals as well as the upcoming May Day mobilization which is less than 4 months away. Join us in discussing our tasks, demands, and perspectives. This event will feature pot luck food and beverages.

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May Day 2018 - International Workers' Day

Mobilize Tuesday, May 1
Rally on the Boston Common, Parkman Bandstand @ 5:00 PM
Followed by a 6:30 March to Copley Square

Resist Deportations!
Immediate Permanent Legal Residence for All Undocumented Migrants!
Permanent Residence for All DACA and TPS Recipients!
Driver’s Licenses for All Undocumented MA Residents!
$15 Minimum Wage!
Stop Racist Attacks!
End Mass Incarceration!
Equal Pay for Equal Work!
Full Union Rights for All Workers!
Free Day Care for All Workers!
Full Labor Rights for So Called “Independent Contractors”!
End Military Intervention, Bring All US Troops Home Now!
Defend Transgender Rights!
Unions for All Workers! Organize the Unorganized!
Workers’ Control in the Workplace!
Jobs, Pensions, Healthcare, and Education for All Workers and Youth!

The government in Washington and the billionaire class are leading a generalized assault on our lives, rights, and living conditions. The wealth gap today continues to grow. From the racist attacks on Muslims, Migrants, and African-Americans to attacks on healthcare, women, and LGBT folks, and from attacks on our environment and education, to perpetual wars, working people are under fire.

The leading edge of this assault today is the stepped up attacks against migrants. Deportations are accelerating. As US wars have created massive debt and refugees internationally, the consequences of corporate greed at home have created refugees within our own borders. The war on the poor continues. Student debt stands at over a trillion dollars! The recent tax cuts for the rich will be at the expense of our living standards. They will be going after affordable housing, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Millions of youth and decent hard working people are under attack!

Claiming that human caused climate change is a "hoax", the Trump Administration pulled out of the Paris Climate Accord. The falsehood of this claim was yet again demonstrated by the horrendous hurricanes that devastated the Gulf Coast and Caribbean. Enough is enough! An injury to one is an injury to all! Let us stand together and build a united, fighting movement. Please join us on May Day where our program will address: Migration, Labor Rights, Systemic Oppression, Threats to Human Survival, and the role of capitalism, US imperialism, and war in the current crisis.

Anarchist Black Cross
ANSWER - Boston
Bay State Red Sentinels
Bishop Filipe C. Teixeira- Immigration Pastoral Center, Brockton
Boston Education Justice Alliance
Boston Labor Solidarity Committee
Boston May Day Coalition
Boston Socialist Alternative
Boston Socialist Party
Boston Teachers Union
Community Church of Boston
Cosecha Boston
Cosecha Merrimack Valley
CPUSA Boston
Emmanuel Church in the City of Boston
Food for Activists
Greater Boston Chapter: Green-Rainbow Party
Party for Socialism and Liberation - Boston
Refuse Fascism, Metro Boston
UAW Local 1596
Veterans For Peace - Boston, Smedley D. Butler Brigade
Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice and the Environment

Other May 1st actions:
Everett - Main Rally 5:30pm Glendale Park
E. Boston - gather and march 4:00pm Liberty Plaza
Chelsea - gather and march 4:30pm City Hall
Worcester - 4:45- 6:30 PM, 145 Front Street

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Resist Deportations! Save TPS!

Mobilize Saturday, December 2
Save TPS!
Defend DACA!
Resist Deportations!
No Wall! No border militarization!
No Muslim ban!
Permanent Legal Residence for Migrants!
Jail Joe Arpaio -- Not Migrants!
Resist Fascism!

Rally: 12:00 PM, steps across from the Massachusetts Statehouse
March to the JFK Federal Building

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Fascism, what it is and how to fight it

Thursday, November 9 at 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM EST
9A Hamilton Place, Boston, Massachusetts 02108

All opposed to fascism are invited to attend a round table discussion with the Boston May Day Coalition. We want to share ideas on fascism and building a mass movement to oppose it, for the good of all workers. Please no video, audio or photography during this meeting.

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Oct 19th: Poor People's Campaign

BMDC encourages all to attend the Poor People's Campaign mass meeting on Oct 19th at 7pm to 9:30pm. The free-of-charge tickets sold out, but we plan to go anyway. We hope to see you all there.

When: Oct 19th 2017, 7:00 - 9:30PM
Where: Trinity Church, 206 Clarendon St, Boston MA 02116

EventBrite link

The call for a Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival has emerged from more than a decade of work by grassroots community and religious leaders, organizations and movements fighting to end systemic racism, poverty, the war economy, environmental destruction & related injustices and to build a just, sustainable and participatory society. We draw on the history, vision and unfinished work of the 1968 Poor People’s Campaign.

El Llamado para la Campaña de las personas pobres: Un Llamado al Rescate de la Moral ha emergido de más de una década de trabajo de las bases comunitarias y de líderes religiosos, organizaciones y movimientos luchando para acabar con el racismo sistémico, la pobreza, el militarismo, la destrucción del medioambiente y las injusticias relacionadas a ellos, y para construir una sociedad justa, sostenible y participativa. Nos inspiramos en la historia, la visión y el trabajo incompleto de la Campaña de la Personas Pobres de 1968.

Resist Deportations! Defend DACA! Mobilize September 16!

Defend DACA! Extend TPS! Jail Joe Arpaio! No Ban! No Wall! Defend Transgender Rights! End Racism! Black Lives Matter! ¡Respeto a los pueblos indígenas! Permanent residence for all 11 million undocumented migrants!

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Occupy the State House

Vigil for Migrants' Rights
Friday, April 28, 2017 4- 5:45 PM
Massachusetts Statehouse

We are calling on all those who stand up for justice to join us in a weekly vigil in the State House. We are organizing a weekly vigil in the State House to make the following demands heard:

1.) That state, local, and campus police be banned from immigration enforcement activities
2.) No detentions at the request of I.C.E after a state court has ordered a person's release
3.) That all immigration detainees be given full due process rights
4.) That state support for a Muslim registry be prohibited
5.) That agreements with DHS deputizing local officers as immigration agents be banned

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Resist Deportations!

Resist Deportations!
The government in Washington has launched a generalized assault on our lives, rights and living conditions. From the racist attacks on Muslims, Migrants, and African-Americans to attacks on healthcare, women, and LGBT folks, to attacks on our environment and education, to perpetual wars, working people are under fire. The leading edge of this assault is the criminalization and attacks on Migrants. Enough is enough! An injury to one is an injury to all. We must take our fight to the centers of power. Mobilize on May Day, International Workers Day!

Monday, May 1, 5:00 PM
Rally: Boston Common, Parkman Bandstand
March to Copley Square

May Day Mobilization Flier"

We demand:
1. Immediate and permanent legal residence and a pathway to citizenship for ALL migrants who live here. Driver’s licenses for ALL undocumented MA residents!
2. Stop arrests, detentions, and deportations of undocumented migrants. End the raids and release ALL detainees being held on immigration charges NOW!
3. NO to border walls, militarization of the border, and criminalization of migrants! That Massachusetts become a Sanctuary State. We say NO to laws that criminalize undocumented workers.
4. Equal rights for all workers NOW! Equal pay and working conditions for foreign-born and native-born workers. NO firings based on immigration status. We demand jobs for all at a livable wage as well as public housing, health care, childcare, education, and other vital social services!
5. We want May 1, International Workers Day, recognized as a National Holiday.

Boston School Bus Drivers Union
BTU Unafraid Educators
Chelsea Collab/May 1st
Communist Party - Boston
Democratic Socialists of America - Boston
Encuentro 5
Green Rainbow Party
International Socialist Organization
Labor Soldiarity Committee
Party of Socialism and Liberation
Socialist Alternative
Socialist Party of Boston
Stonewall Warriors
Unite Here Local 26
Veterans for Peace
Women's Fightback Network
Workers World Party Boston

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Boston Mobilizes for International Women's Day

On Wednesday, March 8th, Boston will come alive with actions across the city in celebration of International Women's Day. This year's IWD comes at a time when reactionary ideology is prevalent and its adherents are in power, making women's struggles against patriarchal oppression all the more acute. Boston may Day Coalition endorses these actions and stands together with the working women of the world.

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Let's stop making migration a crime

We need an immigration policy based on human, civil and labor rights, which looks at the reasons why people come to the U.S., and how we can end the criminalization of their status and work. While proposals from Congress and the administration have started the debate over the need for change in our immigration policy, they are not only too limited and ignore the global nature of migration, but they will actually make the problem of criminalization much worse. We need a better alternative.

This alternative should start by looking at the roots of migration - the reasons why people come to the U.S. in the first place. Movement and migration is a human right. But we live in a world in which a lot of migration isn't voluntary, but is forced by poverty and so-called economic reforms.

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"Secure Communities" Undermines All of Us

The decision, by President Obama’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS), to impose the Secure Communities Program on the State of Massachusetts in 2012, seriously undermines reasonable sovereignty claims of the states, encourages the practice racial profiling, and erodes individual rights to due process. Of course, it targets immigrants and specifically Latinos. But this is no aberration. Secure communities is cut from the same cloth as the National Defense Authorization Act providing for the indefinite worldwide detention of individuals, or the executive branch assertion that it has the right to kill anyone it deems to be a threat (regardless of their citizenship and without benefit of any judicial process), or the attempt via SOPA/PIPA and now CISPA to make either federal agencies or powerful companies the arbiters of internet content and property claims.

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Let Justice and Peace Occupy the Earth!

Message by Chuck Turner for the Boston May Day 2012 event

Brothers and Sisters.

Unfortunately, I can not be with you today. I am in the 13th month of a 36 month sentence at Hazelton Federal Penitentiary based on a scheme by former U.S. Attorney Michael Sullivan to advance his career. Sullivan is now managing partner of the Boston office of the Ashcroft Group, a consulting firm owned by John Ashcroft former US Attorney General under George Bush but that is a conversation for another day.

I appreciate and welcome the opportunity on May Day 2012 to share with you my thoughts.

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On May Day 2014 let's continue to demand that the U.S. sign the UN Convention on Migrant Workers Rights

On July 1, 2003, the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and their Families entered into force. There is abundant evidence that worldwide documented and undocumented migrant workers – including a growing number of women – are providing key contributions in such sectors as agriculture, construction, high tech and (domestic) services. They are, however, increasingly subject to racism, discrimination, abuse and violent attacks. We, welcome the adoption of the Convention. The USA has not ratified nor signed on.

To print a petition sheet click here
For brief summary of the convention click here
Resúmen de la convención en español pinche aqui

Cambridge City Council Passes Resolution Urging U.S. Government Sign U.N. Convention on Migrant Rights

The Cambridge City Council passed a resolution, presented by Councilor Marjorie Decker, on its session of December 5, declaring December 18, 2011 and annually thereafter, as International Migrants Day in Cambridge. It also urges the U.S. Government to sign and ratify the 1990 International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families and to similarly recognize December 18, 2011, as International Migrants Day. The Resolution also resolved to recognize the many contributions of immigrants and refugees to society as a whole.

Pictured from bottom l-r, Councilors Decker, Vice-Mayor Davis, Simmons, Toomey, Kelley, Cheung, Seidel, Reeves, Mayor Maher

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Boston City Council Declares December 18 as International Migrants Day in the City of Boston

Council Charles C. Yancey offered the resolution that urged "the United States Government to sign and ratify the 1990 International Convention for the Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families and to similarly recognize December 18, 2011, and annually thereafter, as international Migrants Day".

To see a picture of the original signed resolution click here.

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Lessons from the struggle to defeat racist anti-immigrant amendments to the Massachusetts State Budget for FY 2012

3-Jul-2011.- This year again the Massachusetts Budget was the field that anti-immigrant politicians chose to include their nasty venom. We had a similar experience last year that was met with fierce resistance by immigrant rights advocates lead by the young people of the Student Immigrant Movement (SIM). Just like last year most of the racist, anti-immigrants amendments were either withdrawn or rejected but some elements remained. Therefore the victories were significant but partial.

The strategies used in this grassroots campaign however are very important for the movement nationwide.

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Democrats in the Massachusetts Senate who voted racist and anti-immigrant

The great majority of Senators who are members of the Democratic Party voted in favor of anti-immigrant amendments that would deprive undocumented immigrant of medical and social services. The amendement also would allow for the creation of a free 800 number to report on suspected undocumented immigrants. The Massachusetts Senate is composed of 35 Democrats and 5 Republicans. Only five decent democrats had the guts to vote against the anti-immigrant amendment. To see the roll call check on the link below.

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