Join us for the 16th annual Anti-Imperialist Picnic! 14/06/2024 - Are you looking for something different on July 4th? Tired of the red, white, and blues year after year? Do you wish to declare Independence from corporate greed, and imperial plunder? Consider gathering for the annual Anti-Imperialist Picnic. Instead of celebrating the founding fathers’ slave republic, the military, and colonial conquest, let’s celebrate the resistance to imperialism, colonialism, apartheid, and the resilience of working people worldwide. Free Palestine! [ + ]
Inaugurating an Agenda for Working People — Defending ourselves against right wing attacks.14/01/2021 - Wednesday, January 20, on the Boston Common, Parkman Bandstand. 4:00 PM Rally, 5:30 March
Participants are asked to wear a face covering and stay 6 feet apart.
Current cosponsors:
Boston May Day Coalition
Green-Rainbow Party of Massachusetts
Refuse Fascism
Boston Independent Socialist Group
Mass Peace Action
Extinction Rebellion Boston
Boston Socialist Alternative
United American Indians of New England (UAINE)
North American Indian Center of Boston (NAICOB )
New Democracy Coalition [ + ]
After May Day --- What comes next?
21/05/2019 -
Sunday, May 26, 2019 3–6 PM
Encuentro 5
9A Hamilton Place
Boston, MA 02108
(Park Street T)
Join in the resistance! On May Day folks had the opportunity to celebrate the worldwide resistance of working people and youth. Folks from different countries and backgrounds participated in the rally and march through downtown Boston. The employers and their government are conducting a generalized assault on our lives, rights, and living conditions. The leading edge of this assault today is the stepped up attacks against migrants. There has been an escalation of racist and xenophobic state repression coming from the centers of power in Washington. In addition, thousands of Massachusetts residents are prevented from having access to driver’s licenses. The 1% and their government seek to maintain a source of cheap labor and use migrant labor to keep down the wages of all of us. They want to divide us and undermine our ability to organize. We must act now and build a fighting movement capable of defending ourselves as working people and youth against the generalized assault. That fight starts by uniting in solidarity with our migrant sisters and brothers. Join us in discussing and developing future plans for engaging in the battles that lie ahead. An injury to one is an injury to all. Pot luck refreshments.
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May Day 2019 - International Workers' Day29/03/2019 -
Rally 2:30 PM - Boston Common, Parkman Bandstand
Followed by a Puppet Parade to the Government Center T stop where we will depart for the Rally in East Boston scheduled for 5:30.
Next Organizing Meeting:
Sunday, April 28 @ 4:00 PM
Encuentro 5
9A Hamilton Place, Boston 02128
Join in the resistance! Are you fed up and think it is time to end the empire? Join us then on May Day where folks will gather to oppose the wars, the blockade of Venezuela, the border wall, deportations, and racism. Let’s come together to support driver's licenses for all, free healthcare, education, and childcare, affordable housing, and rights for working people including abolishing the wage system. Instead of declaring a national emergency to build a wall, let’s declare a national emergency to combat climate change, rebuild the crumbling infrastructure, and end police brutality. Join us in demanding immediate legal permanent residence for all undocumented migrants. [ + ]
Join in the Resistance – Organizing in 2019 26/01/2019 - Sunday, January 27, 3:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Encuentro 5
9A Hamilton Place
Boston, MA
(Part Street T)
The billionaire class and their government are leading a generalized assault on our lives, rights, and living conditions. The wealth gap continues to grow. 140 million people are living either in poverty or in low income households. The polarization is deepening. Attacks have been launched against Muslims, migrants, women, healthcare, education, affordable housing, our environment, oppressed nationalities, LGBT folks, students, and more.
The recent tax cuts for the rich will be at the expense of our living standards. They will be going after Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and more. Millions of youth and working class people are under attack! The leading edge of this assault today is the stepped up attacks against migrants. Deportations are increasing. 2019 brings increased polarization and challenges which pose opportunities to build a mass fight back movement.
Join with the Boston May Day Coalition as we gather together to look back and evaluate our work in 2018 and discuss our vision for resisting deportations and defending the rights of working people and youth. We will be discussing our short and long term goals as well as the upcoming May Day mobilization which is less than 4 months away. Join us in discussing our tasks, demands, and perspectives. This event will feature pot luck food and beverages. [ + ]
May Day 2018 - International Workers' Day06/04/2018 -
Mobilize Tuesday, May 1
Rally on the Boston Common, Parkman Bandstand @ 5:00 PM
Followed by a 6:30 March to Copley Square
Resist Deportations!
Immediate Permanent Legal Residence for All Undocumented Migrants!
Permanent Residence for All DACA and TPS Recipients!
Driver’s Licenses for All Undocumented MA Residents!
$15 Minimum Wage!
Stop Racist Attacks!
End Mass Incarceration!
Equal Pay for Equal Work!
Full Union Rights for All Workers!
Free Day Care for All Workers!
Full Labor Rights for So Called “Independent Contractors”!
End Military Intervention, Bring All US Troops Home Now!
Defend Transgender Rights!
Unions for All Workers! Organize the Unorganized!
Workers’ Control in the Workplace!
Jobs, Pensions, Healthcare, and Education for All Workers and Youth!
The government in Washington and the billionaire class are leading a generalized assault on our lives, rights, and living conditions. The wealth gap today continues to grow. From the racist attacks on Muslims, Migrants, and African-Americans to attacks on healthcare, women, and LGBT folks, and from attacks on our environment and education, to perpetual wars, working people are under fire.
The leading edge of this assault today is the stepped up attacks against migrants. Deportations are accelerating. As US wars have created massive debt and refugees internationally, the consequences of corporate greed at home have created refugees within our own borders. The war on the poor continues. Student debt stands at over a trillion dollars! The recent tax cuts for the rich will be at the expense of our living standards. They will be going after affordable housing, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Millions of youth and decent hard working people are under attack!
Claiming that human caused climate change is a "hoax", the Trump Administration pulled out of the Paris Climate Accord. The falsehood of this claim was yet again demonstrated by the horrendous hurricanes that devastated the Gulf Coast and Caribbean. Enough is enough! An injury to one is an injury to all! Let us stand together and build a united, fighting movement. Please join us on May Day where our program will address: Migration, Labor Rights, Systemic Oppression, Threats to Human Survival, and the role of capitalism, US imperialism, and war in the current crisis.
Anarchist Black Cross
ANSWER - Boston
Bay State Red Sentinels
Bishop Filipe C. Teixeira- Immigration Pastoral Center, Brockton
Boston Education Justice Alliance
Boston Labor Solidarity Committee
Boston May Day Coalition
Boston Socialist Alternative
Boston Socialist Party
Boston Teachers Union
Community Church of Boston
Cosecha Boston
Cosecha Merrimack Valley
CPUSA Boston
Emmanuel Church in the City of Boston
Food for Activists
Greater Boston Chapter: Green-Rainbow Party
Party for Socialism and Liberation - Boston
Refuse Fascism, Metro Boston
UAW Local 1596
Veterans For Peace - Boston, Smedley D. Butler Brigade
Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice and the Environment
Other May 1st actions:
Everett - Main Rally 5:30pm Glendale Park
E. Boston - gather and march 4:00pm Liberty Plaza
Chelsea - gather and march 4:30pm City Hall
Worcester - 4:45- 6:30 PM, 145 Front Street [ + ]
Resist Deportations! Save TPS!16/11/2017 - Mobilize Saturday, December 2
Save TPS!
Defend DACA!
Resist Deportations!
No Wall! No border militarization!
No Muslim ban!
Permanent Legal Residence for Migrants!
Jail Joe Arpaio -- Not Migrants!
Resist Fascism!
Rally: 12:00 PM, steps across from the Massachusetts Statehouse
March to the JFK Federal Building
[ + ]
Fascism, what it is and how to fight it06/11/2017 - Thursday, November 9 at 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM EST
9A Hamilton Place, Boston, Massachusetts 02108
All opposed to fascism are invited to attend a round table discussion with the Boston May Day Coalition. We want to share ideas on fascism and building a mass movement to oppose it, for the good of all workers. Please no video, audio or photography during this meeting. [ + ]
Oct 19th: Poor People's Campaign 04/10/2017 - BMDC encourages all to attend the Poor People's Campaign mass meeting on Oct 19th at 7pm to 9:30pm. The free-of-charge tickets sold out, but we plan to go anyway. We hope to see you all there.
When: Oct 19th 2017, 7:00 - 9:30PM
Where: Trinity Church, 206 Clarendon St, Boston MA 02116
EventBrite link
The call for a Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival has emerged from more than a decade of work by grassroots community and religious leaders, organizations and movements fighting to end systemic racism, poverty, the war economy, environmental destruction & related injustices and to build a just, sustainable and participatory society. We draw on the history, vision and unfinished work of the 1968 Poor People’s Campaign.
El Llamado para la Campaña de las personas pobres: Un Llamado al Rescate de la Moral ha emergido de más de una década de trabajo de las bases comunitarias y de líderes religiosos, organizaciones y movimientos luchando para acabar con el racismo sistémico, la pobreza, el militarismo, la destrucción del medioambiente y las injusticias relacionadas a ellos, y para construir una sociedad justa, sostenible y participativa. Nos inspiramos en la historia, la visión y el trabajo incompleto de la Campaña de la Personas Pobres de 1968.
Resist Deportations! Defend DACA! Mobilize September 16!15/09/2017 -
Defend DACA! Extend TPS! Jail Joe Arpaio! No Ban! No Wall! Defend Transgender Rights! End Racism! Black Lives Matter! ¡Respeto a los pueblos indígenas! Permanent residence for all 11 million undocumented migrants! [ + ]
Occupy the State House
14/04/2017 - Vigil for Migrants' Rights
Friday, April 28, 2017 4- 5:45 PM
Massachusetts Statehouse
We are calling on all those who stand up for justice to join us in a weekly vigil in the State House. We are organizing a weekly vigil in the State House to make the following demands heard:
1.) That state, local, and campus police be banned from immigration enforcement activities
2.) No detentions at the request of I.C.E after a state court has ordered a person's release
3.) That all immigration detainees be given full due process rights
4.) That state support for a Muslim registry be prohibited
5.) That agreements with DHS deputizing local officers as immigration agents be banned
[ + ]
Resist Deportations! 23/03/2017 -
Resist Deportations!
The government in Washington has launched a generalized assault on our lives, rights and living conditions. From the racist attacks on Muslims, Migrants, and African-Americans to attacks on healthcare, women, and LGBT folks, to attacks on our environment and education, to perpetual wars, working people are under fire. The leading edge of this assault is the criminalization and attacks on Migrants. Enough is enough! An injury to one is an injury to all. We must take our fight to the centers of power. Mobilize on May Day, International Workers Day!
Monday, May 1, 5:00 PM
Rally: Boston Common, Parkman Bandstand
March to Copley Square
May Day Mobilization Flier"
We demand:
1. Immediate and permanent legal residence and a pathway to citizenship for ALL migrants who live here. Driver’s licenses for ALL undocumented MA residents!
2. Stop arrests, detentions, and deportations of undocumented migrants. End the raids and release ALL detainees being held on immigration charges NOW!
3. NO to border walls, militarization of the border, and criminalization of migrants! That Massachusetts become a Sanctuary State. We say NO to laws that criminalize undocumented workers.
4. Equal rights for all workers NOW! Equal pay and working conditions for foreign-born and native-born workers. NO firings based on immigration status. We demand jobs for all at a livable wage as well as public housing, health care, childcare, education, and other vital social services!
5. We want May 1, International Workers Day, recognized as a National Holiday.
Boston School Bus Drivers Union
BTU Unafraid Educators
Chelsea Collab/May 1st
Communist Party - Boston
Democratic Socialists of America - Boston
Encuentro 5
Green Rainbow Party
International Socialist Organization
Labor Soldiarity Committee
Party of Socialism and Liberation
Socialist Alternative
Socialist Party of Boston
Stonewall Warriors
Unite Here Local 26
Veterans for Peace
Women's Fightback Network
Workers World Party Boston [ + ]
Boston Mobilizes for International Women's Day07/03/2017 -
On Wednesday, March 8th, Boston will come alive with actions across the city in celebration of International Women's Day. This year's IWD comes at a time when reactionary ideology is prevalent and its adherents are in power, making women's struggles against patriarchal oppression all the more acute. Boston may Day Coalition endorses these actions and stands together with the working women of the world. [ + ]
WHAT: May Day Commemorations and Celebrations
WHEN: Sunday, May 1, 2016
WHERE: Gather at Chelsea City Hall at 2:30 PM
(Feeder marches from Everett to Chelsea and on to East Boston at 3:PM)
Major Rally: Piers Park, 95 Marginal St., East Boston at 5PM.
CONTACT: Boston May Day Committee at (617) 922-5744 or (857) 334-5084 and email to
Download the flyer
Download media advisory
[ + ]
May 1st. is celebrated around the world as International Workers Day to honor the struggle for workers rights. On May 1st., 1886, and in the days followed, Chicago police opened fire attaching thousands of workers on strike. Every year since, workers across the globe have stood together to unite all of our struggles -- an injury to one, is an injury to all!
Friday, May 1, 2015
12PM -- Rally on the Boston Commons
2PM -- March to Haymarket Station
After the march to Haymarket, join the BMDC & get on the #111 bus to Chelsea!
4pm -- Gather at Chelsea City Hall
Sponsored by the Boston May Day Committee (BMDC)
Download the flyer click here.
Media advisory of April 30, 2015 click here.
For more information and to get involved:
617 922-5744/857 334-5084
[ + ]
[PAST] May 1st. 2014 - International Day of Workers' Right March and RallyThursday, May 1, 2014 - 4:30pm to 6:30pm
Marches meet in Everett and East Boston to end with a Rally at Chelsea City Hall, 500 Broadway
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[PAST] SEND AN EMAIL TO OBAMA THIS DECEMBER 18, 2013 On or around December 18, 2013 -- International Migrants Day send an email to President Obama to sign the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families Adopted by General Assembly resolution 45/158 of 18 December 1990
There is no direct email set for the President of the United States. Rather they are channeling people to feel out an email form at a White House website. Don't feel discouraged and take the time to make your voice heard by going to:
Send us a note indicating that you sent your email to President Obama at Thank you!
Click below to see sample letter... [ + ]
[PAST] Boston's International Workers Day 2013
BMDC International Workers Day Rally
Wednesday, May 1, 2013 at Boston City Hall
Gather at 2PM - Rally at 2:30PM
(Court St. & Cambridge St.)
T stops Government Center (Blue line, Green line)
To download flyer click here. (Please print double-sided)
Other May Day events:
Flyer for events below.
Revere - City Hall - gather at 3:pmbegin marching at 3:30 (to Chelsea)
Everett - City Hall - gather at 3:pm begin marching at 3:30 (to Chelsea)
Chelsea - City Hall - rally a 3:pm (wait for above feeder marches to arrive) will begin marching at 4:30 (to East Boston)
East Boston - Central Square - (welcome marchers) Rally at 5:pm
Fundraiser 4/26/13.
BMDC will join the rally in East Boston immediately following Boston City Hall rally
Supporters: ANSWER Coalition, Boston Anti Authoritarian Movement, Boston Rosa Parks Human Rights Day Committee, Greater Boston Stop the Wars Coalition, Harvard No-Layoffs Campaign, Industrial Workers of the World, Latinos for Social Change, Mass Global Action, Sacco & Vanzetti Commemoration Society, Socialist Alternative, Socialist Party of Boston, Socialist Workers Party, Student Labor Action Movement, USW Local 8751 - Boston School Bus Drivers Union, Worcester Immigrant Coalition, National Immigrant Solidarity Network, Democracy Center - Cambridge, Cambridge, Cambridge/Somerville/Arlington United for Justice with Peace, International Socialist Organization, Community Church of Boston, Dominican Development Center
[PAST] Tue. 1/29/2013 - 11AM - Protest Calderon's Presence at Harvard 25/01/2013 - Thanks for signing the petition "Harvard just say no to Calderon." We have collected near 35,000 signatures. If you haven't signed it yet, please go ahead and sign on at
This is an update:
We will hand out the petition at Harvard next Tuesday, 29 January, 2013. We will meet before with supporters and friends at 11:00 AM, (same day) Tuesday at Harvard Square, by the Harvard University Gates on Massachusetts Avenue.
We believe that signing petitions and meeting with people with the same values is the best formula for social change.
If you are close by and want to help us on this effort, we invite you to come join with us.
We think this issue affects people in Mexico and in the USA and produces victims in both sides of the borders.
We believe Calderon is responsible for more than 80,000 deaths, 25,000 missing people and 125,000 refugees and counting.
Below there is a link to coverage of the issue from a TV channel:
Manny Revueltas -
[PAST] U.S. Call to Action on December 18: a Global Day of Action Against Racism and for the Rights of Migrants, Refugees and Displaced People In the US, we see increased enforcement and targeting of immigrant communities given priority over just solutions. We have witnessed 1 million people deported under the Obama administration, increased criminalization of immigrant families with federal programs like the misnamed “Secure Communities” and the spread of harsh anti-immigrant state legislation. We see the militarization of the border and the inability of Congress to pass even something as basic as the DREAM Act. All the while, the US plays a main role in creating the roots of migration - exploiting the people of the global south through unjust trade policies, supporting repressive regimes and military conflict – all factors in preventing people from fulfilling their right to work and live in their home territory.
[ + ]
[PAST] Say 'No' to the Anti-immigrant "Secure Communities" Program!A CALL FOR A UNITED ACTION:
Say 'No' to the Anti-immigrant “Secure Communities” Program!
When: Saturday, February 12th - 1pm-3pm
Where: Massachusetts State House – 24 Beacon Street Boston Ma, 02133
On Saturday, February 12th, people from across Massachusetts will come together at the State House to fight against the State's intention to join the anti-immigrant and racist “Secure Communities” program.
Add your organization's endorsement of the event.
Initiated by the Boston May Day Committee (BMDC - participants: Mass. Global Action, July 26 Coalition, Tecschange, Latinos for Social Change, Socialist Alternative, Socialist Party USA, Socialist Workers Party, ANSWER Coalition)
Endorsers (as of 2/10/11): ACLU of Massachusetts, Boston-Cambridge Alliance for Democracy, Boston United National Antiwar Committee, Center for Nonviolent Solutions, Centro Presente, Chelsea Uniting Against the War, Circulo Bolivariano Martin Luther King, Code Pink, Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES), Community Church of Boston, Dominican Development Center, FMLN Boston, Harvard No Layoffs Campaign, Immigration Pastoral Center, Industrial Workers of the World, International Action Center, MassCOSH/Centro de Trabajadores, Mass. Jobs with Justice, MataHari: Eye of the Day, MIRA, National Lawyers Guild - Massachusetts Chapter, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Polo Democratico Alternativo de Boston, Project Voice AFSC, Proyecto Hondureno, Resist the Raids Network, Stop the Wars Coalition, Student Immigrant Movement, Student Labor Action Movement (SLAM), Unite Minority Neighborhoods, United for Justice with Peace, Veterans for Peace, Worcester Immigrant Coalition, Worcester PeaceWorks
For a copy of the flyer click here.
Para bajar el volante en español pinche aqui.
For more information, contact the Boston May Day Committee at or call 617-290-5614.
[ + ]
[PAST] Denounce Massachusetts' Intention to Sign on to Secure Communities!Urgent Action To Denounce Massachusetts' Intention to Sign on to Secure Communities
Since it was revealed in the summer that the City of Boston had been secretly participating in Secure Communities, Centro Presente, with the support of ACLUMass and AFSC-Project Voice, has been running a campaign to educate our community and allies about the effects of this program.
Come and support our campaign!
When: Wednesday, December, 22 at 11:00 a.m.
Where: In front of the Massachusetts State House
Supporters: AFSC Project VOICE, Brazilian Immigrant Center, Boston May Day Committee, Boston New Sanctuary Movement, Cambridge United for Justice with Peace, Centro Presente, Greater Boston United for Justice with Peace, The Immigration Task Force of First Parish in Cambridge, Jobs With Justice - MA, Matahari – Eye of the Day, Neighbors United for a Better East Boston (NUBE), Student Immigrant Movement and United for a Fair Economy
To download flyer click here.
Please note that we will start promptly at 1 PM. With a pack schedule we cannot afford to waste any time. All presentations will be limited to 10 minutes to allow ample time for discussion. [ + ]
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer Met by Protestors During the National Governor’s Association Meeting in Boston Dramatic Street Protest Despite Torrential Rainfall
Boston, July 10, 2010.- Today, a dramatic protest took to the streets of Boston to protest the presence of Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer during the annual meeting of the National Governor’s Association. Despite torrential rains, a two-mile march went from the rally site at Copley Square to the Sheraton Hotel, where the governors were meeting. March organizers estimated that over 600 people participated in the three-hour rally and march.
Demonstrators came from throughout the region, with organized transportation coming from Worcester, Fitchburg, Providence, New Haven, New London, New York City, Syracuse, Baltimore, Washington DC, Philadelphia and elsewhere. [ + ]
[PAST] 6/15 -- PROTEST THE ARIZONA RACIST ANTI-IMMIGRANT LAW SB-1070 AT THE FENWAY The Boston May Day Committee has joined many other groups (see media advisory below) that stand out for justice for immigrant workers and their families and protest the racist anti-immigrant law SB-1070 recently passed in Arizona. We are bringing our protesting voices to the baseball field when thousands will gather to watch the game between the Red Sox and the Arizona Diamondbacks.
The Arizona Diamondbacks' owners have stood consistently in support of the same Republican politicians that promoted and passed SB-1070.
We are also here to warn about similar anti-immigrant efforts in progress at the Massachusetts Senate. We need to say loudly that Massachusetts is not Arizona!
Please make any efforts necessary to be at the picket with us next Tuesday, June 15. Arrive if you can at least by 5:45PM.
To download flyer click here. [ + ]
Statement of Support and Call for Wednesday 6/16 Rally Against Attacks on Immigrants 11/06/2010 - RALLY! WEDNESDAY JUNE 16, 6pm- 8pm, MASS STATE HOUSE, 24 BEACON ST, BOSTON
The Boston Mayday Committee (BMDC) expresses full solidarity with the courageous students lead by the Student Immigrant Movement who are camping out 24/7 on the steps of Boston's State House.
These young activists are drawing international attention to the cruel anti-immigrant policy which has already been passed by the Massachusetts Senate. The plan would deprive undocumented human beings living in our Commonwealth of all public assistance, literally taking food out of the mouths of children. No help from the state with housing or medical care would be provided to anyone who can't prove their citizenship.
[ + ]
[PAST] 5/25 -- Public Event for Workers Rights in Quincy WORKERS UNITED FOR JOBS, JUSTICE & IMMIGRANT RIGHTS
All workers, immigrant and non-immigrant alike are under attack. What can we do to fight back?
Tuesday, May 25th -- 7pm
Thomas Crane Library in Quincy Center
40 Washington Street, Quincy MA 02169
(Red Line to Braintree -- Quincy Center Station)
Organized by the Boston May Day Committee, Socialist Alternative, Socialist Party, Mass. Global Alliance, ANSWER
[PAST] Bread and Puppet Theater on May Day 2010 at the Boston Common We have seen them arriving to different progressive events in their large yellow school bus covered with painted art. Their presence alone gives people a sense of happiness although we know they will be representing deadly serious issues such as imperialist wars, corporate greed and economic crisis, alienation instead of education, exploitation of the poor, persecution of immigrant workers, repression of worker organizers.
This coming May Day they will be in the Boston Common at the May Day Rally with life-size cutouts of the Martyrs of Chicago. George Engel, Adolf Fischer, Albert Parsons, and August Spies, hanged to death by the State of Illinois in 1886. Louis Lingg, also sentenced to death killed himself a day before the execution. Three worker leaders Michael Schwab, Samuel Fielden and Oscar Neebe were sentenced to long prison terms and then pardoned in 1893. Their crimes: to organize workers for the 8-hour work day. They all were anarchists. Bread and Puppets will tell us their story as only they know how.
Cheap Art Philosophy
The Cheap Art movement was launched in 1982 by the Bread and Puppet Theater in direct response to the business of art and its growing appropriation by the corporate sector.
With this fact taken into account art becomes:
“political whether you like it or not…”
Cheap Art hopes to reestablish the appreciation of artistic creation by making it available to a wider audience and inspire anyone to revel in an art making process that is not subject to academic approval or curatorial acceptance.
Why? “Because art is food…”, reads the Why Cheap Art manifesto. Cheap Art ranges in price from 5 cents to 50 dollars. Anyone can participate!
For more information visit [ + ]
[PAST] May Day 2010 on the Boston Common -- May 1, 12:00 Noon On May 1, 2010, the Boston May DayCommittee is organizing a march and rally starting on Boston Common at 12 noon. It will be joined by a procession from Boston’s North End featuring large cut-out images of the 8 immigrant workers known as the May Day martyrs.
In the Common, we are proud to announce a special performance of the famous radical theater group Bread and Puppet and a series of speakers that will address the major demands for May Day.
The 1:00 p.m. March from the Common will focus on local anti-worker employers and the federal Immigration & Customs Enforcement agency.
May Day organizers are concerned that:
- The Obama Administration deported 388,000 immigrants in 2009 (5% up from Bush’s last year)
- Nearly 20% of the workforce is unemployed or underemployed
- The Obama Administration is escalating the wars in the Middle East with record casualties in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
- Obama has supported the immigration proposal of Schumer (D) - Graham (R), which we flatly reject as repressive and guest worker oriented.
- Across the globe and in the United States governments are cutting back on services while bailing out banks and real estate interests
Our action’s slogans are:
- Good Jobs Now!
- Full Rights & Citizenship for the Undocumented!
- Tax the Rich! Fund Schools, Clinics & Communities!
- Fund Human Needs Not War & Occupation!
- Bail Out Workers, Not Wall Street!
- Solidarity Across Borders, Down with Washington’s Orders!
Our endorsers include:
ANSWER Coalition, Boston Anti Authoritarian Movement, Boston Rosa Parks Human Rights Day Committee, Greater Boston Stop the Wars Coalition, Harvard No-Layoffs Campaign, Industrial Workers of the World, Latinos for Social Change, Mass Global Action, Sacco & Vanzetti Commemoration Society, Socialist Alternative, Socialist Party of Boston, Socialist Workers Party, Student Labor Action Movement, USW Local 8751 - Boston School Bus Drivers Union, Worcester Immigrant Coalition, National Immigrant Solidarity Network, Democracy Center - Cambridge, Cambridge, Cambridge/Somerville/Arlington United for Justice with Peace, International Socialist Organization, Community Church of Boston [ + ]
[PAST] Workers Have No Borders!A discussion about building unity among all workers
Thursday, February 4, 2010 - 7PM
At Encuentro 5, 33 Harrison Av. 5th. Fl., Boston, Ma 02111
Dorotea Manuela -- "On organizing towards May Day"
Camilo Viveiros -- "On the raids and immigrant workers (such as the Foxboro mobile raid experience)
Steve Early -- "On the organized labor movement and immigrant workers"
This event seeks to build unity between immgrant workers and US-based labor movement by bringing together union workers, immigrant organizers and community activists. It is part of the campaign by the Boston May Day Committee and its affiliates to unite workers across sector and borders.
Join the conversation and help build toward May Day 2010!
Sponsored by the Boston May Day Committee
For more information:
To download the flyer click here. [ + ]
[PAST] Rally and Vigil to End the Raids & DeportationsSTANDING ON THE SIDE OF LOVE
Rally and Vigil
Sunday November 22nd 2pm
Suffolk County House of Corrections
20 Bradston Street, Boston
Sponsored by the Boston-area Coalition of the New Sanctuary Movement*, Mass. Resist the Raids Network, and Centro Presente. (*Arlington Street Church, Unitarian Universalist Church of Medford, Massachusetts Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice, Community Church of Boston, UUA and others.)
[The BMDC is a member of Mass. Resist the Raids Network.] [ + ]
[PAST] 10/25 -- Standout/speakout: No more deaths in prison, no more raids, no more detentions, no more deportations
Sunday, October 25 - 2PM
Suffolk County Jail (South Bay House of Corrections)
20 Bradston Street, Boston
On the wake of the death of Juan Tavarez, an immigrant from the Dominican Republic held at Suffolk County Jail, the Mass. Resist the Raids Network (MARtRN) will hold a speakout in front of the immigration detention center at the jail. We will express our feelings of solidarity with the prisoners held in there, and our sadness and outrage for the death of one more unnecessary prisoner.
Please join us and demand no more immigrants in prison, no more deaths!
(The Boston May Day Committee is an active member of the MARtRN and endorses this event)
More info: 617-290-5614 [ + ]
[PAST] Mother’s Day Action: Resist the Raids, FAMILIES KNOW NO BORDERS
07/05/2009 - Mother’s Day is a time for celebration for mother’s everywhere. Yet, for women in prison and immigration detention this is not the case. This is why we are taking a stance on Mother’s Day for all the women who are imprisoned and detained across the USA. Large scale women’s imprisonment has resulted in an increasing number of children who suffer from their mother’s incarceration and detention and the loss of family ties. Families should Know No Borders.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
1:30pm - Marchers gather in front of South Bay Corrections and Detention Center
2:00pm - Procession proceeds from South Bay entrance to 93 on-ramp.
Journey: Meeting at South Bay Corrections and Detention entrance 20 Bradston St, Boston 02118
[ + ]
[PAST] Take the day off on May 1! Join the BMDC contingent! March and Rally
Friday, May 1, 2009
Glendale Park, Elm St., Everett, MA 4:30 pm
March from Central Square, East Boston, gathering time 2:00 PM
March from Chelsea City Hall, gathering time 3:00 PM
This event is organized by the May 1st. Coalition of Chelsea, East Boston & Everett and supported by
the Boston May Day Committee. - 617-290-5614
To listen to an announcement in mp3 format click here.
To download the BMDC flyer click here.
Para bajar el volante del Comité Primero de Mayo de Boston pinche aqui.
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[PAST] May 1st Coalition of East Boston, Chelsea and Everett Message for May Day “Yesterday We Voted for Change, Today We Demand Change!” is the unified message of the May 1st Coalition led by the Chelsea Collaborative, the East Boston Ecumenical Community Council, and La Comunidad Inc. (Everett), and their community partners and allies across the Greater Boston area.
Immigrant communities in Greater Boston demand a just and humane immigration reform from the Obama administration and US Congress while celebrating International Workers Day!
As part of a nation-wide and state-wide efforts, local community organizers are also mobilizing to send a clear message to:
1. End the draconian enforcement policies of the Bush administration.
2. Establish a new immigration policy based on human, civil, and labor rights.
3. As the current economic crisis unfolds policy makers must recognize the essential economic and social contributions of all immigrants to US society.
Demonstrate in Everett's Glendale Park on May 1, 4:30pm.
Flyer in English
Flyer in Portugues
Flyer in Spanish
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The Third Social Forum of the Americas took place in Guatemala City, from October 7 to October 12. Three local activists participated in the Forum and will present us with a report of the proceedings, the trends, the ideas, the challenges and the plans for social change that emerged from the Forum. The participants are Gabriel Camacho, American Friends Service Committee Project Voice, Saulo Araujo, Grassroots International and Sergio Reyes, Boston May Day Coalition.
Flyer for Boston activity (Word).
Flyer for Worcester activity (Word).
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[PAST] Saturday, October 11 - 12 noon
Boston May Day Coalition –
More info:
Volante en Español.
Flyer in English.
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[PAST] 3rd. Annual Sacco & Vanzetti Memorial March and Rally20/08/2008 - Saturday, August 23, 2008
Gather at Copley Square -- March at 3pm to the North End
Rally at the Paul Revere Mall
Stop the raids and deportation!
Stop state's repression!
No to death penalty!
Remember Sacco and Vanzetti so their deaths were not in vain!
More info: 617-290-5614 [ + ]
[PAST] Indian trafficking survivors suspend hunger strike on Day 29 after huge political gains
In the picture, a delegation of Indian guestworkers that came to Massachusetts to meet with state representatives to congress and the senate and to inform about their struggle. The event took place in the offices of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee/USC, Central Square Cambridge.
WASHINGTON, DC – On Wednesday, June 11, 2008, at 12 p.m., Indian labor trafficking survivors held a rally at the Department of Justice (DoJ) headquarters, where they suspended their hunger strike on Day 29 after an unprecedented outpouring of support from US Congressmen and leaders from labor, civil rights, and religious communities.
"Today we are suspending a hunger strike that has brought us more power than any group of guest workers in the United States has ever had," said Sabulal Vijayan, an organizer with the Indian Workers' Congress. "Twenty members of US Congress have written to the Department of Justice on our behalf. Congressman Dennis Kucinich has committed to holding hearings into abuses of guest workers by Signal International and companies like it. With our hunger strike, we have won concrete actions that will help protect future workers from the nightmare of forced labor we suffered."
To follow these courageous workers' story go to:
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[PAST] Event in Solidarity with Indian Guest Workers on Hunger Strike in Washington, D.C.
Please join us in solidarity with the guestworkers brought from India post-hurricane Katrina to rebuild the Gulf area. These workers and many migrant workers from all over the world have been and are being exploited and enslaved and forced to work under inhumane conditions.
The Indian workers, however, have stood up and are on a hunger strike in Washington, D.C. to demand protection and reparations for what has happened to them (and all other workers affected).
Come hear some of the workers tell their story and explain what they are demanding from the U.S. and the Indian government as a matter of justice!
When: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Where: Unitarian Universalist Service Committee/USC, Central Square Cambridge, 689 Mass Ave. above Citizen's Bank)
In solidarity,
MataHari: Eye of the Day, Jobs with Justice, Alliance for a Democratic and Secular South Asia, Cambridge Peace Commission, International Socialist Organization, MetroWest Immigrant Worker's Center, South Asia Center, South Asian Committee on Human Rights, South Asians Stepping in Solidarity, Boston May Day Coalition, and many others...
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[PAST] Feeder marches to the May Day Rally in the Boston Common
On International Workers Day, Boston's streets will be filled with feeder marches, starting at 3pm, snaking towards the Common for the 4pm May Day rally. Here's a list of feeder marches, please skip work/school or duck out early and join up with the one closest to you:
Kenmore: For neighborhoods west of Boston's center (such as Allston/Brighton, Brookline, Watertown, Kenmore/Fenway area etc,) We will be rallying in Kenmore Square at 3pm, and then march to the Common.
Harvard Square: (for Cambridge and points north) Meet at the Harvard Science Center near Harvard Yard at 3pm, march to Common.
Copley: Critical Mass CALLING ALL BIKERS! There will be a Critical Mass ride on May 1st in support of the May Day protest on the Common. The ride will meet in Copley Square at 3:00 and end up at Boston Common by 4(ish). A flyer announcing the ride is available at the link below. Please print and distribute.
See you in the streets! [ + ]
[PAST] Primero de Mayo en BostonComo ha pasado a ser una tradición ya en Boston, una manifestación tendrá lugar el Primero de Mayo en el Boston Common, empezando a las 4pm. Dirigentes que abogan por los derechos laborales y de inmigración harán uso de la palabra. Habrá también presentaciones culturales con la participación especial este año del músico y compositor boliviano Manuel "Papirri" Monroy. Esto es como parte de su primera visita artística a los Estados Unidos. A las 5:30 pm los participantes marcharán hacia Copley Square para demostrar su protesta ante las políticas del gobierno contra los trabajadores emigrantes indocumentados. La marcha demandará que cesen las deportaciones y se proceda a una legalización total para todos los trabajadores migrantes y sus familias. [ + ]
[PAST] May 1, 2008 Press ReleaseFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Sergio Reyes, 617-290-5614
As it has become a tradition in Boston, a rally will be held on May 1st. at the Boston Common Bandstand, starting at 4 pm. Immigrant and labor rights advocates will address the participants. There will also be cultural presentations with a special presentation by Bolivian folk-musician and composer Manuel "Papirri" Monroy. This will be Monroy's first visit to the United States. At 5:30 pm the rally participants will march to Copley Square to demonstrate their protest at the government policies against undocumented migrant workers, demanding an end to the raids and deportations and full legalization for all migrant workers and their families.
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[PAST] Directo de La Paz, Cantautor Manuel "Papirri" Monroy en Concierto el Primero de Mayo 14/04/2008 - La carrera artística del canta-autor boliviano Manuel “Papirri” Monroy está marcada por el estudio de la música, la creatividad y el trabajo cultural. Considerado en la categoría de los músicos del movimiento de la "nueva canción" Latinoamericana, su poesía y su música van más allá del convencionalismo del movimiento. Inició su carrera musical tocando guitarra clásica, pero más tarde se destacó en la composición de sus propias canciones que ganaron distinción en varios festivales de la canción social en Bolivia.
La visita de Manuel a Boston fue gratamente recibida por el publico que asistio a su recital donde toco con el acompan~amiento en percusion del estudiante boliviano de Berklee College of Music, Enrique Lara. Los prolongados aplausos luego de cada cancion dan prueba de la extraordinaria calidad de este musico boliviano. Su concierto fue un apropiado cierre de las celebraciones del Dia Internacional de los Trabajadores.
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[PAST] Bolivian musician Manuel Monroy, "Papirri", in Concert in Boston on May Day 2008
[Español pinche aqui.]
The history of Manuel "Papirri" Monroy is one marked by the study of music, creativity, and cultural work. While he is definitely in the category of musicians of the "new song" movement from Latin America, his poetry and music escape some of the conventionalism of the movement. Manuel initiated his musical career playing classic guitar, but later on composed his own songs and became famous at various social song festivals. In 1980, under the dictatorship of General Garcia Meza he was forced to go into exile in Mexico and was able to return to Bolivia only in 1984.
More recently, in November of 2005 Manuel donated the rights of his song "Pajpaku-Tinku contra el ALCA" (against the free trade agreement) to support the presidential campaign of the peasant leader, Evo Morales. Beyond his social committment, Manuel is a virtuoso of the guitar, but also an excellent player of the Bolivian instrument, the charango.
Manuel's performance at Encuentro 5 was received with ovations by the people in attendance. He was accompanied in percussion by bolivian Berklee College of music student, Enrique Lara. Papirri's recital was a fitting closing for the celebration of International Workers Day.
You can have a taste of Manuel's music at the following links:
Metafisica Popular
Samba do avião
For those who speak Spanish, Manuel's official site is
To download a flyer for the event in color click here.
To download a flyer for the event in black and white click here. [ + ]
[PAST] Stop the raids and deportations!17/03/2008 -
To download or print the flyer click here.
Para bajar el volante en español pinche aquí.
Endorsers as of 4/17/08 (in alphabetical order):
AFSC Project Voice, Allston/Brighton Collective for Popular Assemblies, Allston/Brighton Neigborhood Assembly, ANSWER, PSL, Bikes Not Bombs, Boston Anarchist Black Cross, Boston Anti Authoritarian Movement, Boston-Cambridge Alliance for Democracy, Boston May Day Coalition, Boston Rosa Parks Human Rights Committee, Boston School Bus Drivers Union, Brazilian Workers Center, Centro Presente, CISPES, Community Church of Boston, CSIO Boston, Food Not Bombs, Greater Boston Stop the Wars Coalition, Latinas/os for Social Change, International Action Center, IWW, Jobs with Justice, Lucy Parsons Center, Mass Global Action, MLK Bolivarian Circle, National Lawyers Guild - Mass., New England Human Rights Organization on Haiti, Sacco & Vanzetti Commemoration Society, Socialist Alternative, Socialist Party, Socialist Workers Party, Students at Tufts Active for Immigrant Rights, Suffolk and Emerson Anti-Authoritarians, TJs Workers Collective. [ + ]
[PAST] Comunicado de Prensa de RRRJP sobre actividad del 8 de MarzoActivistas pro-derechos humanos y pro-derechos para emigrantes conmemoran el primer aniversario de la redada masiva de ICE contra 366 trabajadores emigrantes en New Bedford y celebran el Día Internacional de la Mujer
Sábado, 8 de marzo d 2008, 2:30pm
Nate House – 155 Lamartine Street en Jamaica Plain
(Estación Stony Brooke en línea naranja) [ + ]
[PAST] March 8 JPRRN Press ReleaseHuman and Immigrant Rights Advocates and Supporters
Commemorating First Anniversary of Massive ICE Raid on 366 New Bedford Immigrant Workers and Celebrating International Women's Day!
Saturday, March 8, 2008 at 2:30pm
Nate House - 155 Lamartine Street in Jamaica Plain
(Orange line, Stony brook station) [ + ]
[PAST] En conmemoración del 1er. aniversario de la redada de trabajadores emigrantes por parte de ICE en New Bedford y en celebración del Día Internacional de la MujerLa Coalición Primero de Mayo de Boston y la Red de Respuesta Rápida de Jamaica Plain lo invita a conmemorar el 1er aniversario de la redada de trabajadores emigrantes por parte de ICE en New Bedford y en celebración del Día Internacional de la Mujer
Sábado, 8 de marzo de 2008 - 2:30 pm
Nate House – 155 Lamartine Street en Jamaica Plain
(La estación Stonybrook en la línea naranja)
Para bajar, imprimir y distribuir el volante de la actividad en inglés por favor pinche aquí.
Versión en español pinche aquí.
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[PAST] President of Bolivia Evo Morales to Visit Boston Tuesday, February 26, 2008 - 7:30pm
Arlington Street Church
351 Boylston Street, Boston
On his first visit to Boston, according to the Bolivian Embassy, President Morales would like to "tell you, compañeras and compañeros, how we have built the consciousness of the Bolivian people from the bottom up. How quickly the Bolivian people have reacted, have said--as Subcomandate Marcos says--ya basta!, enough policies of hunger and misery."
The event is being organized by the Embassy of Bolivia together with a local coalition of grassroots organizations that include Alliance for Democracy - Cambridge and Northbridge, American Friends Service Committee, Arise for Social Justice, Bikes Not Bombs, Bolivian Association of Massachusetts, Boston Bolivarianos, Boston May Day Coalition, Centro Presente, Chelsea Collaborative, Colombia Vive, Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador, Grassroots International, Latina/os for Social Change, Jobs with Justice, Massachusetts Global Action, Santuario P@ra Todos - Arlington Street Church, Stop the Wars Coalition, and Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. The list of supporters continues to grow.
Seating is limited. If you represent a community-based organization and would like members of your community to attend the event, please send an e-mail to info < @ >evoinboston org or call 617-482-6300. Community-based organizations are encouraged to endorse the event and to work with the organizers to enable the community to attend.
You can also submit your request for a ticket on-line at
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[PAST] Commemorating the 1st anniversary of the ICE raid on New Bedford immigrant Workers and celebrating International Women's DayThe Boston May Day Coalition and the Jamaica Plain Rapid Response Network (JPRRN) invite you to commemorate the 1st anniversary of the ICE raid on New Bedford immigrant Workers and to celebrate International Women's Day
Saturday, March 8, 2008 at 2:30pm
Nate House – 155 Lamartine Street in Jamaica Plain
(Stonybrook T stop on the orange line)
The program will include:
* Updates from attorneys on pending cases and immigrant rights
* Solidarity messages from immigration raid victims
* Short videos, music performances and your participation
* JP-RRN (*) organizers launch immigration emergency hotline
(*) The JP-RRN is a network of residentes and neighbors of JP who are prepared to to provide legal, material, and political support to immigrants in the event of an immigration emergency. We are a project of the Boston May Day Coalition.
For more info please contact Dorotea 617.922.5744 or visit
To download, reprint and distribute the flyer in english please click here.
Versión del volante en español pinche aquí.
Thank you!
En español.
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[PAST] Protest Mexican President Felipe Calderon's Visit to Cambridge Monday, February 11, 2008 – 6:00pm
In front of:
Harvard's John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum, 79 JFK Street, Cambridge.
A growing coalition of local progressive organizations and individuals has decided to protest the policies of the Mexican government represented by its President, Felipe Calderón as he addresses Harvard's JFK Forum. Calderon came to power after another undemocratic “election” in Mexico. His government continues to repress indigenous people, the labor movement, in particular in Oaxaca, and is responsible, together with government of the United States for the situation of millions of undocumented Mexican workers in the U.S. At the same time, Calderon is now advocating for the Security and Prosperity Partnership, which strengthens the NAFTA agreement that is detrimental to workers in Mexico and the U.S. [ + ]
[PAST] Aviva Chomsky Dissects and Rejects Mainstream Anti-Immigration Myths!
30/01/2008 - Thursday, January 31st
7pm @ Democracy Center in Harvard Sq.
45 Mt. Auburn St. Cambridge
Join us for this very special event with Aviva Chomsky, author of “They Take our Jobs and 20 Other Myths on Immigration”. Aviva dispels the racist lies and propaganda spouted by politicians, who seek to fan the flames of anti-immigrant sentiment throughout the U.S. Boston CISPES will also provide a critical piece of analysis missing from the immigration discussion: how U.S. free trade policies force Latin America’s poor to leave their home countries in search of economic opportunity in the north.
Suggested donation=$5 (No one will be turned away for lack of funds!) [ + ]
[PAST] Speak Out Against Raids on Immigrant Workers!
Proteste Contra las Redadas de Trabajadores Emigrantes!
Friday, January 25, 2008 - 4pm-6pm
In front of the J.F.K. Building, Government Center, Boston
Press release/comunicado de prensa
Flyer/volante (pdf)
[PAST] Speak Out Against Raids on Immigrant Workers!Friday, January 25, 2008 - 4pm-6pm -- In front of the J.F.K. Building, Government Center, Boston
Boston, Mass., January 10, 2008 – The Boston May Day Coalition attended the seventh World Social Forum convened in Nairobi, Kenya in January of 2007. The delegation distributed and presented a proposal seeking transnational unity in the struggle for migrant workers rights. This international event provided the opportunity for the delegates to establish contact with the many activists who were working in their respective nations on issues regarding repression against migrant workers and related issues, similar to the BMDC work here in the USA.
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[PAST] Commemorating International Migrant Day /
Conmemoración del Día Internacional de los Emigrantes
Tuesday, December 18, 2007 - 7pm
33 Harrison Avenue, 5th. Floor
Boston, MA 02111
A group of panelists including Lucy Pineda (Latinos Unidos de Massachusetts, LUMA), Gabriel Camacho (AFSC Project Voice & JwJ), Dorotea Manuela (Boston May Day Coalition), Patricia Montes (Centro Presente, Cambridge), Lisa Fuller (CISPES) and Nelson Brill (National Lawyers Guild, Massachusetts) will share their experiences in organizing for migrant workers rights. We will also discuss the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of all Migrants Workers and Members of Their Families, and the transnational responsibilities and organizing efforts to secure that migrant workers everywhere are treated with respect as human beings who with their labor and culture contribute greatly to the countries where they arrive in search of work.
To download a flyer please click here.
(Press release / Comunicado de prensa -- click below on the + )
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[PAST] “They Take Our Jobs: And 20 Other Myths About Immigration”
With walls being built on our borders and heated debate this summer around the Immigration Reform Bill, our nation acts as if immigrants destroy the social, economic and cultural fabric of the United States. People hold firm beliefs that immigrants take American jobs, drain the American economy, contribute to poverty and inequality, destroy the social fabric, challenge American identity, and contribute to a host of social ills are openly discussed and debated at all levels of U.S. society.
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[PAST] Premiere del documental “Marchas por la Amnistía” en Boston -- Octubre 10 6:30pm “Marchas por la Amnistía” es un documental producido independientemente por Alcides Vidal. El video cubre los esfuerzos hechos desde el año 1999 hasta mayo del 2007, desde la perspectiva del activismo pro-immigrante desplegado desde Massachusetts. El productor señala, si “usted ha participado de estas marchas, usted es el actor principal” y asi es, porque cada persona que ha entregado su tiempo y su esfuerzo es el actor principal en esta lucha cuyo triunfo parece a momentos estar cerca, para luego alejarse y propinar un golpe a las esperanzas.
Miércoles 10 de octubre de 2007, 6:30 pm
Encuentro5 – 33 Harrison Avenue 5to. Piso, Boston, MA
(Cerca de las paradas del subway: Boylston (verde), Chinatown (naranja) o Park Street y Downtown Crossing (roja).
Más información: 617-721-1418
Co-Patrocinado por la Coalición Primero de Mayo de Boston.
[Note: this documentary is only in Spanish. Sorry]
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