DOCUMENTS Brazilian Elections, Lula's Victory, and Bolsonarism
Reporting from São Paulo, Brazil
Fabio Bosco, Member of the São Paulo transportation trade union (Sindicato dos Metroviarios)
Sunday Nov. 6th
6:30 P.M.
In recent years, Brazil has experienced extreme hardship. Over 680,0000 have died from the COVID 19 pandemic. In Brazil, 1% of the population receives about 28% of the country’s income, resulting in the second-highest income concentration in the world. Brazil’s 6 richest men have the same amount of wealth as the bottom 50% of the population. On October 30, Brazil elected Lula da Silva as the next president. Although Lula was elected, the polarization remains, and class conflict will continue. Many questions remain unanswered. Please join in a discussion of the elections, political polarization, and the developing class struggle in Brazil.
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Passcode: 476403
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