FULL LEGALIZATION FOR ALL IMMIGRANTS NOW! NO GUEST WORKERS PROGRAMS ![]() NATIONAL DAY OF ACTION MAY 1, 2007 BOSTON COMMON -- RALLY AND MARCH 4:00 PM WITH FEEDER MARCHES FROM LOCAL COMMUNITIES Endorsers: Boston May Day Coalition, Mass. Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA), Chelsea Uniendose en Contra de la Guerra, Circulo Bolivariano Martin Luther King, Jr., Centro Dominicano (NALAAC), National Lawyers Guild - Mass, Boston School Bus Drivers Union USW Local 8751, Hermanas Mirabal, July 2th Coalition,International Socialist Organization, Latinos/as por el Cambio Social, BAAM Boston, Socialist Alternative, Mass. Global Action, Industrial Workers of the World - Boston, International Action Center, Proyecto Voz - AFSC, Most Rev. Filipe C. Teixeira, OFSCJ NOrtheastern Diocese of St. Francis of Assisi, East Boston Ecumenical Community Council (EBECC), Women's Fightback Network, Great Boston Stop the Wars Coalition, Boston Cambridge Alliance for Democracy, MassCOSH, Accion Latina Springfield, Student Labor Action Movement (SLAM), Asociación Dominicana para el Arte y la Cultura (FUNDARCO), Boston Rosa Parks Human Rights Day Committee, Socialist Workers Party, New England Human Rights Organization for Haiti, Teens Acting for Social Change (TASC), Students at Tufts Acting for Immigrant Rights (STAIR) Coalition, Spontaneous Celebrations, Jobs With Justice, Brazilian Immigrant Center, Immigrant Service Providers Group/Health Somerville, Nobel Bookstore Lawrence, Chelsea Collaborative, Comite de Inmigrantes de Chelsea, City Life/Vida Urbana, Alliance for a Secular and Democratic South Asia, ANSWER Boston, Socialist Party of Boston
1 DE MAYO 2007
Marcha por la Unificación Familiar y una Reforma Inmigratoria Justa e Inmediata
Auspiciadoras: La Colaborativa de Chelsea, Felix Arroyo, MAC, Trabajos con Justicia, Proyecto Hondureño, Manlio Mendez, Comité de Inmigrantes Latinos de Chelsea, ACE, EBECC, Boston May Day Coalition
May 1, 2007
STOP THE CRIMINALIZATION OF IMMIGRANTS! For more information call 508-579-4877
May 1, 2007
Ecumenical service and vigil: Sponsors: western Massachusetts Coalition for Immigrants and Workers Rights, SAGE, Interfaith Coalition, AFSC.
Contact: may1stcoalition@gmail.com
New Haven, Connecticut
Stop the Raids and Deportations! Take the day off if you can. BOYCOTT all products and services!
12PM - Mayday celebrations begins NEW HAVEN GREEN (DOWNTOWN) More information: 203-641-5995 or 203-606-3484 - ulaccion@yahoo.com Endorsed by: CT Regional Coalition for Immigrants' Rights, Unidad Latina en Accion, Amistad Catholic Worker, Junta for PRogressive Action Inc., Food not Bombs, El City Infoshop, Class War Full tummy Crew, International Socialist Organization - New Haven, MECHA at Yale, ANSWER, CT- Unite Here, Latinos Contra la Guerra, DACORIM, Colombia Action - CT, Peoples Center, Greater New Haven Central Labor Council, CT Center for a New Economy, Greater New Haven Peace Council, Unite Here Alliance (Local 34, Local 35, GESO, Local 217), CT Green Party, Stop the Raids, Black Sutdent Alliance at Yale, Queers Withou Borders, Amnesty International, SCSU Hartford and Danbury, CT
Willimantic, CT
For human rights and respect! Join the Hispanic community of Willimantic in a May Day demonstration for human rights, citizenship, respect. Meet at Jillson Park, corner of Main and Jackson Street, Willimantic. Bring flags and signs! More information: 860-933-6230